Friday, 20 May 2016

Mcdonald's is harmful to nz

Mc Donalds is harmful to nz
Stop eating Mcdonalds!Oil, fat, salt, sugar = Mcdonald's!We all have our addictions and likes but when it comes to Mcdonalds we should all be shaking our heads.So your average burger that's probably around 160 calories, and when you have one at Mcdonalds its 250 calories.  Milkshakes have 320 calories.There are so many other options you can choose so why choose Mcdonald's? Its cheap for a reason!They make kiddies toys to make the kids want to come back!Think of all the oil on the chips.All the fat in the bread.All the salt.There are so many other options you can choose so why choose Mcdonald's?

Friday, 6 May 2016

Ready For Braces

“Take a seat,” Said the dentist.
My tummy is a roller coaster constantly looping. I sit in the chair for the 50th time.The bright light blinds me. My mum close up to my chair. My sweaty hand clasps onto her hand. In the injection goes.

Sqeezing her hand I take a deep breath. 9 injections in total. Wiggling side to side, I moan a little.
Tugging, tugging, and pop, theirs the first tooth out. Only 3 more to go.Each corner was sore after, I could hardly eat. My gums, throat and lips were completely numb and would take four hours till normal again.

There was a lot of blood and a lot of tissues had been used because of the fact that they were adult teeth.  I couldn't eat, talk, or swallow and even today it hurts to eat.  In four weeks time i'll be back, another day of terrifying moments, walking out with braces.